Command-line tools

Available feeds


To add nuget (.NET Package Manager) to your PATH:

      $ 0alias nuget

To add nant (free .NET build tool) to your PATH:

      $ 0alias nant

.NET Core

Available feeds


To use .NET Core as the runner in a feed:

      <command name="run" path="myapp.dll">
        <runner interface=""/>

To add dotnet (.NET Core SDK) to your PATH:

      $ 0alias dotnet

Classic .NET

Available feeds


To use a Common Lanaguage Runtime (Microsoft's .NET Framework or Mono) as the runner in a feed:

      <command name="run" path="myapp.exe">
        <runner interface=""/>

To use either Microsoft's .NET Framework with emulated MONO_PATH support or Mono as the runner in a feed:

      <command name="run" path="myapp.exe">
        <runner interface=""/>
      <requires interface="http://mylib/">
        <environment name="MONO_PATH" insert="."/>

To use the full version of Microsoft's .NET Framework as the runner in a feed:

      <command name="run" path="myapp.exe">
        <runner interface=""/>

To use either the Client Profile or the full version of Microsoft's .NET Framework as the runner in a feed:

      <command name="run" path="myapp.exe">
        <runner interface=""/>

To use Mono as the runner in a feed:

      <command name="run" path="myapp.exe">
        <runner interface=""/>

To use IronPython (Python implementation running on the CLR) as the runner in a feed:

      <command name="run" path="">
        <runner interface=""/>